Updated 2007-05-04 to version 2.8 build 3

This is a viewer, checker and editor for the AI flight plans within Microsoft Flight Simulator. It gives an excellent overview of an airport, an airplane or a specific flight. AISchedule can perform some adjustments of the flights, such as level out traffic at an airport, create busy or quite periods, delete single flight plans and also make full edits of, or create new, AI flight plans. AISchedule supports FS2002 and FS2004.

Reads FS2004 airports
Feature to renumber aircrafts
AI aircraft editor
View of longest runway
Supports local time as well as UTC
Can search for flights from a particular airline
Shows more information about the gates at an airport
Utility to change airplane registrations
Utility to replace airplanes
Print of schedules
Flight plan editor with printing

Extensive checks of the database of AI flights
Can check several airports at once
Views flight schedules for all AI flights in your Flight Simulator
Lists per airport, registration or flight number
Shows airplane movements, tabular and graphically
Shows number of used gates graphically and the airports number of available gates
Free text searches
Can level out the traffic for an airport
Can create quite or busy periods at an airport
Easy move and removal of a single flight plan
Download (~ 1.5Mb)
Manual pages

.NET Framework 2.0

Help me afford maintaining AISchedule.

Any amount:

Please download and use this freeware application, give it to anyone you like but you may not make any profit in any way from it.

If you upgrade from version 2.8.2 or earlier, you have to manually uninstall AISchedule before you install this version.

Even though AISchedule does not cost you anything will I be happy to support you, please send me a message if you have any questions.

Installation: Download the zip file, extract all files to a location on your hard drive and run setup.exe from there.

To be able to run AISchedule you need Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, the installation will guide you to download and install that, if necessary.

TTools are included, copyright Lee Swordy. Thanks for this excellent piece of software. Thanks to Lee and Alessandro Antonini for the knowledge how the airport BGL files work.

AISchedule and Flight Simulator X

It might take a while before I can upgrade AISchedule to work with FS X, the reason is that I do not fly that much any longer and I have not got many donations at all. Sorry...

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 Some comments from users:

This tool blows away anything else I've seen. And sure beats the hell out of doing it by hand. The graph in airport view is awesome. Seeing it all laid out, gates used, arrivals, departures. Outstanding!

I like the ideas behind your program very much. And I love the way it works. Thanks for the great program!

The more I use your program the more I enjoy it.

I can now see if I exceed the gates at any airport, much appreciated!

I think you are a genius, and AISchedule seems so much more practical than AITM or similar programs.

I must congratulate yourself on producing an excellent programme.

Lens Hanger

Fly Away Simulation